Friday, April 19, 2013

A Healing Space Friday Five

Over at RGBP, Deb posted: Today is a good day to focus on where, as RevGalBlogPals, we find healing, peace and strengthening. As a chaplain, there are days where I never seem to catch my breath, and invariably, those are the days that I need it the most! [RevDragon input: And this has definitely been one of those weeks where I need to catch my breath, so perfect timing, Deb!] So with all this in mind, share with us these healing things:

1. A piece of music: Jonathan Goldman has an album called Chakra Chants--this is my go-to background music when I most need healing. I find it quieting and peaceful and simply present with me.

2. A place: My chair space. Even though my chair isn't there any more (long story), when I get to sit in this place beside the window, it is healing. 

3. A favorite food (they call it "comfort food" for a reason): Soups are my comfort food. This week a) a neighbor home-made some veggie chili, b) my spouse made cauliflower cheesy soup, and c) last night was a different chili. I have needed some "healing space" this week, and I believe the soup itself has helped keep me going!

4. A recreational pastime (that you watch or participate in): Reading is healing. It's quiet. And solo (introvert!). I can enter a different world. 

5. A poem, Scripture passage or other literature that speaks to comfort you: There are many. Sometimes it's Julian of Norwich's "All shall be well..." Other times it's Emily Dickinson's "Hope is a thing with feathers... Yet never in extremity / it asked a crumb of me." And always it is "Be still and know that I am God." 

BONUS: People, animals, friends, family - share a picture of one or many of these who warm your heart.

the Prayer Shawl (and "my chair") attracts all kinds of love
waiting for second breakfast