Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Meeting My Hero!

How many people can say they are lucky enough not only to meet, but spend considerable time with, their hero? 

On Sunday I head for a retreat at a ranch in the Wyoming mountains - and Emily Saliers (alongside her dad, Don) will be one of the leaders of a week-long class. I'm not expecting anything phenomenal to change in my life ... her music, lyrics & spirit that come through are what inspire me. But seriously: I never imagined an opportunity to spend time with a person whose work/ministry/existence has touched me and so many others in such a significant way.

I'm curious about the heroes you would have this sort of experience around meeting and spending time with if you could. I can think of a few others who are historical (Emily Dickinson, Virginia Woolf, Jesus), but Emily is BY FAR #1 on my list of the living.

Who is yours? _____________

In honor of my appreciation for Emily's music, 
here is a (very small) selection of my favorite lyrics:

I wanted everything to feed me.
About as full as I got was of myself
and the upper echelons of mediocrity
(You & Me of the 10,000 Wars)

the president has no good idea who the masses are well i'm one of them and i'm among friends trying to see beyond the fences of our own backyard...if the world is night shine my life like a light (Let It Be Me)

We're better off for all that we let in (All that We Let In)

But they left out the sisters
I been praying to a father god so long I really missed her
The goddess of benevolence
And you should listen to your mama if you have a lick of sense left!
(Pendulum Swinger)

1 comment:

scram! said...

That's so cool you get to hang out with Emily! I'm not sure who to put as my hero person...other than Kierkegaard (not much for singing though).