Friday, November 6, 2009

New New NEW!

I always look forward to the Friday Five - especially when I can be so very RANDOM!

Songbird's invitation...
There's a new baby on my street, a double
PK whose Mom and Dad are Methodist
pastors and church planters. I'm hoping to
go over and meet her today. I love new babies, the way they smell and their sweet little fingers and toes. Little K has me thinking about all the new things that please us with their shiny freshness.
Please share with us five things you like *especially* when they are new.***

1. New pens and new notebooks. Mmmmm, the feel of writing with the smooth flow of a newly opened fountain pen (or its imitation, since that's what I can afford) on a fresh page - there is nothing like it!
2. A new book! The cover unblemished and the pages just begging for my input on their fresh margins. (again, a pen & a book - am I sensing a theme?)
3. A new bag. Whether a linen grocery bag, knitted
purse, or backpack - any bag! It wasn't until just a few years ago that I started switching out my bags/purses like crazy... particularly my computer bag. I had a great one on wheels that I rolled everywhere (the coffee shop, in particular, which completely embarrassed my partner). My current one is hot pink/purple with multicolored polka dots! (note: bags can carry pens & books).

4. New shoes. Again, it wasn't until a few years ago (after I moved to Colorado) that I began to enjoy nice shoes. Maybe it's having to be comfortable on your feet while wanting to be fun or stylish?

5. A new haircut. I just had 5 inches taken off my head yesterday (plus some extra in layers). A haircut is never exactly the same as when it's new.


Auntie Knickers said...

Yes, a new haircut is great too -- I don't fuss with my hair much and it looks OK mostly, but never as nice as when the hairdresser has been at it.

MumPastor said...

I love fountain pens too - and found Pelikan pens from Germany aren't all that expensive - if you get the kind they give to the children in school...they come in fun and funky colors too!
great play!

Elaine (aka...Purple) said...

Ah yes...the haircut. I always feel so much more "in control" when I walk out of the salon. And of course...books/pen/office supply stores all work for me.

realsarah said...

Oh, I love the new haircut idea! That is another good one! For me, I'd also add new highlights. Makes me feel like a new woman!!!

Unknown said...

I'm glad you got to be random; that was fun!

Brittany said...

New haircuts, when they are good, are sooooo lovely!