Friday, December 4, 2009

Do Nothing! Friday Five

Friday Five... Do Nothing Edition

Thanks to Sally for this Friday Five! I am reading a wonderful little book for Advent it's title: "Do nothing Christmas is Coming!" So this week's Friday Five is simple: List Five things you won't be doing to prepare for Christmas. And while you are doing nothing play the bonus, put your feet up and listen to your favourite Advent Carol, and post it or a link to it...

Oh such a freeing FF! (It almost feels like I'm making resolutions). And yet, this is really hard for me, rather than simple. Makes me think....
I will NOT be buying/decorating a huge tree - which is a huge relief, this year.
I will NOT be packing bags and going anywhere, and no one is unpacking their bags in our guest room - Christmas is going to be a relaxing week.
I will NOT be purchasing a lot of gifts - I'm going to use my creativity to make everything I can for dear ones!
I will NOT deconstruct and apologize for my sentimental choices to sing along with favorite Christmas music from my childhood (even though it represents theological understandings I can't agree with and/or ridiculous silliness that makes no sense whatsoever).
I will NOT lament any of the above when Christmas finally arrives!
Bonus: I am now sitting with my feet up and enjoying my favorite Advent carol - the ever wonderful O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am with you on the Christmas music!