over at RGBP, Songbird shared…
We're in the thick of it in church life as we approach the end of Lent. Palm Sunday and Holy Week await. In the midst of this busy-ness, I undertook a little redecorating here at RevGalBlogPals and found a new template for us.
It's the sort of task I like in the middle of chaos, a chance to redo something, to refresh the way I feel, to restore some sense of order. Please share with us five ways you redo or refresh or restore your body, your space, your blog, anything in your life that needs perking up this week.
1. When I’m feeling chaotic at work, I like to redo the bulletin boards in our fellowship hall. Tearing down old notices and the background paper; bordering and ordering – it leaves me with a visual sense of accomplishment and an aesthetic appreciation for color and composition (in other words: less chaos!).
2. There is nothing nothing nothing like a hot bath to renew my body - winter or summer.
3. Going for a drive completely refreshes my mind. I put on loud music and sing along at the top of my voice. It releases everything that has collected inside me.
4. Write. Again, it renews my spirit by erasing all that is within and getting it on paper. Sometimes it’s beautiful, and sometimes it simply needs to be tossed into the trash. But I’m renewed.
5. Sit in the sunshine. This should probably be my number 1. I often follow my 2 cats around – as they can find the sunniest spots in the house – and then kick them out of the tiniest patch of light. Or I’ll wait for a window seat at the coffee shop. Or head into my boss’s office where the light is best. Anything to soak it in.
I love your number 1. That kind of task, something that can be for goodness sake completed is sooo satisfying!
:-) I like the thought of following cats about...
As I write this, my cat, OZ is stretched out on my lap...so relaxed. Spoiled??? You bet.
Sun...especially after long gray days.
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