Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Joys & Sorrows: 1/21/2009


See the beautiful way that Jamie started my day? A birthday breakfast muffin with candles and *best gift ever?!*  a book on "Visual Journaling". 

Words words words I adore (I really do), but they sometimes get in the way of going spirit-deep. That's what scribbling is for... who knew? I just thought I scribbled for the heck of it. No no no. Now I know. 

As for the sorrows:
Two (2) oh-so-very alive, beautiful, vibrant members of my church received bad (bad) cancer news this week. I love them so much (like all *okay, most* of my people), and I cannot imagine presiding at their funerals. I know this is a part of life, and I'm mostly fine with it. The hard part is knowing that they have so much that they continue to give to this world, to this community, to their loved ones, to me *I'm also fine with sometimes being a little selfish*. Please hope with me that they and their dear ones are able to live every moment to the fullest of their love and desire. Blah. 

Maybe I should go visually journal my feelings, now...

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