Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Natural Enemy of Cockroaches

I have discovered that, to rid your life of cockroaches, you can either use insecticides or invest in a hedgehog. That's right: the HEDGEHOG finds cockroaches a tasty delight. (If you're wondering why I'm talking about such things, see my previous post about books I'm reading for the sake of sanity in ministry). 

The cockroaches of which I speak are the little, urgent things that keep popping up (and require crushing) just when we need to focus on the big, important things in life. 

So, in my own random way, I'm meditating on the hedgehog. Here is a little bit about her from one person's understanding:


This small solitary animal is covered with a thick coat of sharp spines. Although the hedgehog is basically gentle and non aggressive, if threatened, it will roll into a small ball with its spines sticking out for defense. These spines serve as a wall of protection around it. A tiny animal with big medicine it teaches us how to create boundaries within our personal space and how to use the body in an efficient way.  

Hedgehogs pack a powerful punch.  They help those with this totem protect and defend their truths.  They show us how to honor ourselves by not allowing anything into our environment that damages us in any way.  The protective barrier the hedgehog puts up reminds us to avoid all things that lead to chaos and to preserve our sense of self. (from http://www.sayahda.com/cyc.html)

1 comment:

jamie said...

I like hedgehogs! yay!