Friday, June 26, 2009

Talkin' 'Bout...Pop Music

Friday Five: Talkin' 'Bout...Pop Music 
Here's a fantabulous FF for the week - thanks so much to Mary Beth over at RGBP!

(This is how I like to remember him...)
Happy Friday to you all! 

The sad news of Michael Jackson's untimely death has me thinking about music and its effects on us - individually, as cultures, as generations. Let's think about the soundtracks of our lives...

1) What sort of music did you listen to as a child - this would likely have been determined or influenced by your parents? Or perhaps your family wasn't musical...was the news the background? the radio? Singing around the piano?
My mom was the inspiration for my music-loving childhood...and it was all about the radio. Singing along in the car, in the kitchen, wherever we could to the "oldies" (hah!). I (thought I) knew every lyric to every song on the radio: whether it was 50s, 60s, 70s or 80s. Thanks, Mom, for singing with me!

2) Going ahead to teenage years, is there a song that says "high school" (or whatever it might've been called where you lived) to you? 
I can't distinguish what songs happened when - they all seem to blur together. I think I was still (from age 6?) enamored of all things Billy Joel in HS. He was my first concert, too (Madison Square Garden).

3) What is your favorite music for a lift on a down day? (hint: go to and type in a performer/composer...see what you come up with!)
Need I even say it? Indigo Girls. That's all it takes. But I have to be able to sing along. Loudly. Badly. (However, on a "mad" day I've found Pink to be particularly helpful in releasing anger. She rocks!).

4) Who is your favorite performer of all time?
Again, Indigo Girls. It's their combination of inspiring lyrics, amazing harmony, and passionate care for the earth and it's beings. 

5) What is your favorite style of music for worship? 
Great question! I actually love hymns, but there's a caveat: they have to have inclusive language and theology (I'm all about lyrics). I especially love hymns that can be accompanied by guitar. 

Bonus if you include a video of any of the above! 
You bet! 
INDIGO GIRLS - GALILEO(click on the title )


Sally said...

hymns that must be accompanied by guitar= great!

Sue said...

I really like Pink. You're right. When I feel frustrated, I like to put on my ipod, go for a brisk walk and listen to Pink. Somehow she helps me work things out.

Jane said...

I must get out there and get some new music this stuff sounds like fun

RevAnne said...

Big Galileo fan myself...I'll have to listen to more Pink, though.
Tx for your visit!

Mary Beth said...

Pink ROCKS! The IG's too, saw them in college. (they played at my college!)