Friday, September 25, 2009

Autumnal Friday Five

RevGalBlogPals' SingingOwl posted this morning: The Autumnal Equinox has just come 'round again. I took a look back at our Friday Fives and noted that it always seems to make the Rev Gals and their Pals think of changes... For this week, let's share some memories along with some hopes and expectations.
1. Share a Fall memory.
Driving on I-80 for the final 10 miles into the Delaware Water Gap - it's less a memory than THE most beautiful fall foliage I've ever seen (it could have something to do with having grown up nearby) - both sides of the road - through the Appalachian Mountains - until you're driving right alongside the river into the Gap. Stunning!
2. Your favorite Fall clothes--(past or present)?
Cozy! Jeans and a long-sleeve t-shirt. I'm particularly fond of my forest green Ring Lake Ranch petroglyphs T.
3. Share a campfire story, song, experience...etc.
Ahhhh, the joy of being an adult at a campfire sing-along! I can be as goofy as I wanna be! (That would be me on the left).
4. What is your favorite thing about this time of year?
Everything: the smells of the ground turning flowers back into earth, the colors of the leaves on the trees and the fields changing, the cooling air wrapping around me. All of it brings a sense of deepening for me. It's made me begin contemplating my All Saints'/Totenfest sermon, as I watch all natural things turn toward death... and I find it stunningly beautiful alongside a sweet ache of loss.
5. What changes are you anticipating in your life, your church, the season changes and winter approaches?
I am hoping to focus some of my energies more strongly on planning a sabbatical for next summer. I'm not a "planner", so it'll be a definite change of pace. Plus I've never taken (or even imagined) a sabbatical, so this will be very interesting interior work.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

No Where = Good Destination

On a beautiful road trip to no where yesterday (seriously: just driving for the sake of a beautiful Saturday and the changing colors of aspen leaves), I passed these stairs along the roadside. They seemed a perfect illustration for my journey. There is simply no destination at the top.

Some days I think this is where God is calling us to travel - nowhere, just for the beauty of enjoying Her creation and the gift it is to our spirits.

May no where be a beautiful destination for you sometime this week!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

It's Okay to Cry Here

All around downtown Loveland there are various artistic expressions that
pedestrians can engage (or ignore) as they pass by.
Wandering the streets yesterday with Jamie and a friend,
we stumbled upon this piece that caught my attention
much more than most of the others.
If I had been alone, I think I may have been tempted to curl up on the bench nearby
and take the painting up on its offer of support.
Alas, I only had a moment to snap this picture.

...maybe another time?

Monday, September 7, 2009

Lineage of Opportunity

I recently came across this writing exercise that made me appreciate some of the many people who directly influenced me getting to be where I am today (in particular, my job - which is the perfect job for me). It says, "I realized that behind each branching of the work I love lies a lineage of opportunity, six degrees of separation seen in retrospect .... Take something you do now that you love: Who helped you get there? And who connected you to that person?"

While most of you won't have a clue who these people are, I celebrate them here (and maybe one of them will google him/herself sometime and see their influence!). So here is my:

Lineage of Opportunity

Associate Minister for Congregational Life & Care

Plymouth UCC


Rebecca Voelkel


Louise Higginbotham


United Church on the Green, UCC


Maureen Gilmore-Hebert


Sue Asher


Yale-New Haven Hospital


Heiner Spittler


St. Joseph Hospital


Kathleen Greider


Claremont School of Theology


Christine Reimer


Darrell Woomer


Lebanon Valley College


Vicki Brendler


Bianca Podesta


Nancy Belsky


Bill Noll


Belvidere United Methodist Church


Mom & Dad

Many, many thanks to each and every one!