Friday, September 25, 2009

Autumnal Friday Five

RevGalBlogPals' SingingOwl posted this morning: The Autumnal Equinox has just come 'round again. I took a look back at our Friday Fives and noted that it always seems to make the Rev Gals and their Pals think of changes... For this week, let's share some memories along with some hopes and expectations.
1. Share a Fall memory.
Driving on I-80 for the final 10 miles into the Delaware Water Gap - it's less a memory than THE most beautiful fall foliage I've ever seen (it could have something to do with having grown up nearby) - both sides of the road - through the Appalachian Mountains - until you're driving right alongside the river into the Gap. Stunning!
2. Your favorite Fall clothes--(past or present)?
Cozy! Jeans and a long-sleeve t-shirt. I'm particularly fond of my forest green Ring Lake Ranch petroglyphs T.
3. Share a campfire story, song, experience...etc.
Ahhhh, the joy of being an adult at a campfire sing-along! I can be as goofy as I wanna be! (That would be me on the left).
4. What is your favorite thing about this time of year?
Everything: the smells of the ground turning flowers back into earth, the colors of the leaves on the trees and the fields changing, the cooling air wrapping around me. All of it brings a sense of deepening for me. It's made me begin contemplating my All Saints'/Totenfest sermon, as I watch all natural things turn toward death... and I find it stunningly beautiful alongside a sweet ache of loss.
5. What changes are you anticipating in your life, your church, the season changes and winter approaches?
I am hoping to focus some of my energies more strongly on planning a sabbatical for next summer. I'm not a "planner", so it'll be a definite change of pace. Plus I've never taken (or even imagined) a sabbatical, so this will be very interesting interior work.


Auntie Knickers said...

A beautiful #4 -- thanks. Will you post that sermon when the time comes?

Elaine (aka...Purple) said...

Me too...I liked the deepening image. I trekked over to the church website...and listened to the sermon improv. Fantastic.

Dorcas (aka SingingOwl) said...

Thank you for this evocative set of answers! Deepening...fall does that...somehow.