Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Seasons change...

...but our fox remains!

The last time I photographed her there was snow on the ground (see my January 30th post), and as you can see, she now reposes in dandelions and needs-to-be-mown grass.

Jamie is currently amused by my periodic commentary - "is she out there? she's moved behind the neighbor's house to catch more sun. here she comes with dinner!" She'll let me know if I move toward the obsessive in my observances, won't she?

Friday, April 24, 2009

It's a Bucket List Friday Five, Gals and Pals!

It's a Bucket List Friday Five, Gals and Pals!

SingingOwl over at RevGalBlogPals states: Four days of being mostly in bed with a really bad case of flu (do not worry--I will give no detail) has me pondering the fragility of life. LOL! Death, however, has been cheated in my case and I am up and taking nourishment. In that vein of thought, do you have a "Bucket List"? In other words, from the movie of the same name, five things you want to see, do, accomplish, etc. before you kick the bucket?
This question comes in the midst of preparing a sabbatical proposal ("if money were not a problem, what would you do...?"). With that on the brain, here is my Bucket List of 5:
  1. Get out of the continental U.S. at least once! Preferably more than that. I want to soak in the energies of the UK and Greece at the very least. Next on the list might be Peru or Turkey... and then back to the UK and Greece.
  2. And closer to home, Sedona, AZ. For enough time simply to "be". This should be supremely achievable (it's only a 12.5 hour drive).
  3. Write. I haven't written for myself for too long, and having a goal is necessary to that. Thus the sabbatical proposal!
  4. Live near (at least nearer) the ocean again. I miss it. Storms and sun and everything in between. Creation. Mmmmm.
  5. And on a personal growth note: get over my fear of asking people for things. Not (seemingly) small things but, in keeping with the sabbatical theme, for example: inviting a well-known person in the field of study to speak to my congregation. Oy!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Animals on Earth Day

I foolishly thought my Earth Day observation had ended when the sun went down. I had ridden my bike to work (carrying my skirt and blouse in a backpack - thank heaven for Downy Wrinkle Release spray!) and offered gratitude to Creator "For the Beauty of the Earth".

THEN, this evening I brought my friends' doggie home to stay for a few days while they travel. Never fear, all is well! But who knew that an avowed cat person could ever appreciate the ways of the canine?

Our 2 cats, however, are holding their assessment for a while yet. In fact, one literally tiptoed in slow motion around the edge of the room, hoping not to grab the pooch's attention. The other one has been in a staring match with him... one looking around the corner of the coffee table, and the other offering a straight-on contemplation.

Do you think 2 days is enough to get them rolling on the floor together? 
We'll see...

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter & Bubbles

What does the one have to do with the other? I don't have a theological interpretation for you, but you're welcome to chime in and supply one!

Easter was beautiful. The church was packed twice over, the sermon felt right, and the congregation rocked the Hallelujah Chorus. 

It was definitely a Holy Week journey to get to Easter this year, and to help my soul travel that road, I made a 4-part collage (thanks to the Fun at Lunch Bunch for inspiring this endeavor!). It began with a Maundy Thursday creation, moved through Good Friday and Holy Saturday, and finally triumphed with Easter Sunday. Here is the final piece.


Bubbles were a delightful Monday surprise. I generally don't try to leave the church exactly at 5pm because I know that I don't do very well with annoyed drivers trying to make it home from work. Not thinking, I did just that today... and less than 1/3 mile out of the parking lot I was in a loooonnnngggg line of traffic. 

I immediately became frustrated and started to consider alternate routes home (all of which would have been the same)... when I suddenly saw BUBBLES coming from a window a few cars ahead of me. I dare anyone not to smile and get happy when someone is blowing bubbles in the midst of stopped traffic. I tried to take a picture with my cell phone, but of course we started moving again. 

Maybe I should start carrying a bottle of bubbles in my car alongside the rose quartz I use to help calm my driving frustrations???

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

GREAT Movies: CAUTION! Adult Content

I'm not much of a movie person, but I've recently seen a couple that have actually kept me watching. 

Tonight's pick made me sappy-teary. 
Sweet. Awww. I recommend it. That's all. 

{I don't have permission for the picture, but click the title to see more}

And not too long ago, the roll-on-the-floor-laughing, too-close-to-home,
I-need-a-cigarette, my-family-is-crazy-but-you-can't-help-but-love-them 
(I'm-still-in-love-with-Olivia-Newton-John) movie
need I say more?

{again, no pic, but click on the title of the movie to view a bit-
rated R for language and adult content}