Friday, January 15, 2010

Words for the Heart

I hadn't realized I'd not followed the "rules" to post the party on my blog - oh dear! I'm belated and befuddled and (almost) done with a sorrowful sermon for Sunday. With all of that on my heart, I decided to finally post "Words for the Heart." Thanks to CVP for her ministry at the Abbey (and I promise to invite ya'll to the next party).
WORDLE - Give Me a Word

Invitation to Poetry: Words for the Heart

January 11, 2010 · by Christine

Welcome to our Poetry Party #43!
I select an image and suggest a theme/title and invite you to respond with your poems or other reflections.
Poetry Party Theme: Words for the Heart
I was so moved by the response to my New Year’s call for words to shape your commitments for the future.  I loved the power that each word offered, how a whole world of hope was wrapped up in just a few letters.
My invitation to you for this week’s Poetry Party is to write a poem using only the words in the image (or variations of them) and connecting words such as and, the, is, etc. (and maybe a pronoun or two).  You don’t have to use all 132 of them, but spend some time with them and see how they want to come together.  You can click on the image below to enlarge it.  If you didn’t submit your own word yet, consider choosing one and making it the title.
(you can see a larger version of the word art by clicking here)
My (Sharon's) contribution:


Sing, Wisdom!
Nurture serenity
shed pain
order light-and-dark authenticity
            on this threshold journey.

Freefalling, we surrender sanctuary
            for spaciousness
discipline for courage
sacrifice for radiant lightness.

Grounded, we abandon victorious paradigms
            for flexibility
joyful trust.

Dance, Ruach!
Blaze wonder through these openings
and carve a bold YES!
in this unfolding pilgrimage.

Release an adventure.

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