A Fall Word Association Friday Five
everyone! The Canadian
geese are excited, forming
up and practicing,
encouraging each other with
honking, the Wisconsin
fall color is at peak where I
am, and in Kohl's Dept.
Store the Christmas
decorations are up. Yep,
Fall is here. It's my
turn to do the Rev Gal Blog Pals
Friday Five. It has been a while
since we did one of these word association Friday FIves, so here goes,
with an autumnal theme. I know, fall is one way on this side of the world
and different in other places, but please bear with me as I post words
that say FALL--at least where I am.
Give us the the first word that comes to mind (you know how that works, right?)
and then add a little something about why, or how or what.
Well, it seems my answers are all typical.... oh well!
1. Pumpkins - gooey (of course, because sticking your hand inside when carving a jack-o-lantern! I can never decide if I love the feeling or hate it... until it has dried on my fingers---uck!)
2. Campfire - smell (as in the wonderful smell of woodsmoke -- today would be a perfect campfire day)
3. Apples - crunch (yum!)
4. Color - orange (even though I live in Colorado where the Aspen all turn yellow, the only color for the season is orange... pumpkins & halloween)
5. Halloween - costumes (mostly of the headless, goblin-y, blood-sucking sort... fairy princesses never seemed right for the holiday)
And since it is REV Gals and their Pals, here is the bonus question, sort of a serious one:
What does the following passage from Daniel 2 make you think about?
"Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever;
Wisdom and power are his...
He changes times and seasons."
My first thought upon reading this was to recall the familiar passage from Ecclesiastes: to everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven. Some wisdom that I always need to remember.
Thanks for a great F5!
Great play! I'm with you on the crunchy apples. Yum!
You are so lucky to be in Colorado! Crunchy apples are sometimes hard to come by way down here in south TX, but I love them, too.
You are welcome! I'm loving the amazing palatte of color right now. Wisconsin, at least my part, is at "peak." Thanks for playing! SOrry to be stopping by so late.
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