Thursday, October 9, 2008

Soupy Saturday

Today is our first really overcast, cool, rainy, looking-through-gray-fog day of the season ... and yes, I love it. I love wearing jeans and boots and an oversize long sleeve shirt. 

And I love to eat soup.
Soup is one of those comfort foods that is always perfect. Sadly, I don't generally enjoy spending time in the kitchen. Period. 

But as our CSA veggies accumulated in the fridge, sending wiltingly disparaging glances my way, I knew I had to do something or be guilty of waste. And so it was soup!

*Curried Eggplant Soup
*Beet-Red Borscht
*Herbed Vegetable 

My mother would be so proud - my grandmother is probably rolling in her grave (I left out all sausage, beef or chicken).

Do you have any comfort foods? Let me know, and I'll dare to enter my kitchen again when you're feeling down (really ... but I can't guarantee it'll keep if it has to be UPS'd somewhere).

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