Easter was beautiful. The church was packed twice over, the sermon felt right, and the congregation rocked the Hallelujah Chorus.
It was definitely a Holy Week journey to get to Easter this year, and to help my soul travel that road, I made a 4-part collage (thanks to the Fun at Lunch Bunch for inspiring this endeavor!). It began with a Maundy Thursday creation, moved through Good Friday and Holy Saturday, and finally triumphed with Easter Sunday. Here is the final piece.
Bubbles were a delightful Monday surprise. I generally don't try to leave the church exactly at 5pm because I know that I don't do very well with annoyed drivers trying to make it home from work. Not thinking, I did just that today... and less than 1/3 mile out of the parking lot I was in a loooonnnngggg line of traffic.
I immediately became frustrated and started to consider alternate routes home (all of which would have been the same)... when I suddenly saw BUBBLES coming from a window a few cars ahead of me. I dare anyone not to smile and get happy when someone is blowing bubbles in the midst of stopped traffic. I tried to take a picture with my cell phone, but of course we started moving again.
Maybe I should start carrying a bottle of bubbles in my car alongside the rose quartz I use to help calm my driving frustrations???
when i'm stuck behind a train and frustrated, i usually turn the car off and text people long messages.
i like the idea of bubbles instead.
the bubbles would have made me smile as well.
i once visited a church that gave out little bubble bottles with a note about praying with them and sending your prayers and cares up to God with the bubbles.
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