Friday, April 24, 2009

It's a Bucket List Friday Five, Gals and Pals!

It's a Bucket List Friday Five, Gals and Pals!

SingingOwl over at RevGalBlogPals states: Four days of being mostly in bed with a really bad case of flu (do not worry--I will give no detail) has me pondering the fragility of life. LOL! Death, however, has been cheated in my case and I am up and taking nourishment. In that vein of thought, do you have a "Bucket List"? In other words, from the movie of the same name, five things you want to see, do, accomplish, etc. before you kick the bucket?
This question comes in the midst of preparing a sabbatical proposal ("if money were not a problem, what would you do...?"). With that on the brain, here is my Bucket List of 5:
  1. Get out of the continental U.S. at least once! Preferably more than that. I want to soak in the energies of the UK and Greece at the very least. Next on the list might be Peru or Turkey... and then back to the UK and Greece.
  2. And closer to home, Sedona, AZ. For enough time simply to "be". This should be supremely achievable (it's only a 12.5 hour drive).
  3. Write. I haven't written for myself for too long, and having a goal is necessary to that. Thus the sabbatical proposal!
  4. Live near (at least nearer) the ocean again. I miss it. Storms and sun and everything in between. Creation. Mmmmm.
  5. And on a personal growth note: get over my fear of asking people for things. Not (seemingly) small things but, in keeping with the sabbatical theme, for example: inviting a well-known person in the field of study to speak to my congregation. Oy!


Processing Counselor said...

People are flattered to be asked to speak on their area, try it!

MaineCelt said...

Mmmm-hmmm to number five--that's a hard one for me, too. This was made abundantly clear a few years back when I was training with several other counselors to lead a "challenge course" in the woods at church camp. I took waaay longer than everyone else at most of the challenges 'cause I kept trying to do everything on my own, without (much needed) help. Now, when I hesitate to ask for help, I remember myself, getting weary and struggling on that spiderweb of ropes in the woods... sometimes it helps me ask, but sometimes I'm more comfortable(!?) flailing!

Jan said...

How lucky that Sedona was your home; sorry you are away from it. I'm away from my home, too, but now am wondering where "home" is.

revhipchick said...

hello! i was at Sophia's Calling and really interested in your planning a feminist pilgrimage and had to drop by.

great play!

Rev. Pink Dragon said...

revhipchick - yes yes yes join our conversation! the more heads in the process, i think, the more likely to happen.