Friday, June 19, 2009

Life is a Verb

Friday Five: Life is a VerbJan over at RevGalBlogPals offered...

Digh, Patti. Life is a Verb: 37 Days to Wake Up, Be Mindful,
and Live Intentionally. 
Guilford, CT: Skirt!, 2008.

Jennifer recommended this book, which I got because I always value Jennifer's reading suggestions. The author of Life is a VerbPatti Digh worked her book around these topics concerning life as a verb:
  • Say yes.
  • Be generous.
  • Speak up.
  • Love more.
  • Trust yourself.
  • Slow down.
As I read and pondered about living more intentionally, I also have wondered what this Friday Five should be. This book has been the jumping off point for this Friday.

1. What awakens you to the present moment?
Being in my physical body: walking in the sunshine; hiking among the trees; sitting on a rock in the middle of a river.
2. What are 5 things you see out your window right now?
Our drooping patio porch - Sunshine! - Blue sky - Green grass - A red truck parked across the street.
3. Which verbs describe your experience of God?
(I state them in the infinitive:) to love; to bless; to breathe; to be; to embrace; to birth; to...
4. From the book on p. 197:
Who were you when you were 13? Where did that kid go?
An uncomfortable young'un in the wrong skin - she is long gone! :)
5. From the book on p. 88:
If your work were the answer to a question, what would the question be?
Are you joyfully centered yet? (I'm working on it - every moment) 

Bonus idea for you here or on your own--from the book on p. 149:
"Go outside. Walk slowly forward. Open your hand and let something fall into it from the sky. It might be an idea, it might be an object. Name it. Set it aside. Walk forward. Open your hand and let something fall into it from the sky. Name it. Set it aside. Repeat. . . ." Thanks so much for this offering, Jan!
of my own contemplation... I LOVE the title of this book! I love verbs and verbing! I'm going to go verb now (I giggle with joy at typing this).


Sue said...

Great play! I'm a big fan of verbs too.

revhipchick said...

fabulous play! i love how you put the verbs in the infinitive! i started with 'ings and then decided just to use the bare bones of the verbs. wonderful verbs.

i love the image/reality of sitting on a rock.

Jane said...

Hope that as well as verbing you get to wear the pink glasses! Great play