Friday, July 8, 2011


Summertime Friday Five

So, what's up, Rev Gals and Pals?  How are you spending your summer?  (I know, some of you are in a different hemisphere and it may be chilly...sorry!)  Are you experiencing fire or floods or tornados?  Vacationing?  Working harder than ever?  Experiencing change?  Longing for change?  

Share five things that are happening in your life, personally or professionally or some of each, in this season of life.

1. For a week of vacation, I had the wonderful adventure of taking a road trip with my spouse -- we left Colorado for Kansas (wonderful friends!), then Indiana (another wonderful friend!), then Iowa (family), and return to Colorado (no humidity!). One of my favorite things to share about the trip: "What do 2 ministers and a religion professor do on their time off? Visit the Creation Museum!" It was quite the enlightening experience.

2. At the end of August I'll take Sabbath time at Ring Lake Ranch (Dubois, WY) with Don Saliers studying and singing the Psalms. Then, in October, my colleague and I will do a sermon series on the Psalms. Very exciting!

3. I'm learning how to be the "pastor's spouse"... fair turn-around for my partner who practiced such for the past many years. At a Freedom Festival on July 4th, her church hosted a booth, and I (had the day off from my church, so) smiled and shared and was *mostly* a good partner (except for the "EZ-Up Incident"). Oh the agony!

4. I feel rather boring that I don't have more going on in my life. I'm hoping for some quiet for the rest of this summer--I don't really expect it, but I'm hopeful. The past several weeks have been a whirlwind, and I want to get my feet back on the ground. The duckies are here for smiles and encouragement.


Terri said...

I hope your summer is as peaceful as you long for!

Jan said...

I spent a week at a retreat with Don Saliers, and it is still fresh in my memory. Hope the summer is better than you expect.

Dorcas (aka SingingOwl) said...

Boring is not always bad...LOVE the ducks pic!

Dorcas (aka SingingOwl) said...

I forgot to ask..was the creation museum awful or enjoyable? I've heard two reviews from two different friends that couldn't have had more disparate impressions...and my hubby wants to go. So, what's it like?

Rev. Pink Dragon said...

@Dorcas, it depends entirely on your perspective. If you are a proponent of Young Earth Creationism (the only "genre" espoused by the Museum), then I think it can be enjoyable. If you're more drawn to the model of Old Earth Creationism, that form is not even acknowledged and could be frustrating. If you are a progressive believer or one who believes evolution or science ARE compatible with Christian faith, the Museum is a great learning experience about how other Christians interpret scripture and explain the world through other than science (to me it seemed like a lot of Midrash, if you're familiar with the Jewish term). I had a great experience there, and I come from the progressive frame. Hope that helps!

Dorcas (aka SingingOwl) said...

That helps a great deal, actually. My husband is a young-earth creationist type...and I'm..not. Maybe we could go and have a reasonably good time. LOL Thanks! Liked the Midrash idea. :-)