Thursday, November 20, 2008

Rest - Thank You

Yes, I know "rest" is not a person whom I can thank, but it is a gift of the Creator for which I am very thankful.

For some reason, several of our staff members have not been sleeping well this week. We collectively lamented 2am wakings, sudden realizations at hours when work should be the last thing on our subconscious minds, and preparing for the day at 4 0'clock because sleep just wasn't going to call us back again that morning.

But last night I finally feel I slept. 

Yet rest is so much more than sleeping. It's the letting go that so many of us can't seem to do in this age of doing doing doing. It's the not being "on" that so many clergy-type tend to embrace more than necessary. It's the choice of reading a comic book or playing mahjong or curling up with your kitties for a nap rather than reading the Christian Century, writing a (very) late newsletter article or cleaning the (very) messy house. 

So for the gift of rest, I give thanks today. And, now, I'm going to turn OFF my computer and rest.

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