In meditating/preparing for my World Communion Sunday sermon, this is the prayer-poem that emerged. It's not refined, finished or edited. It's just what came out of my sitting with the Spirit.
Jesus Christ, your body has been broken
asunder by nations' border lines
by picket fences and closed garage doors.
Your body has been broken by
a two-party system that prays: "May the
Lord watch between me and thee, while we
are absent, one from the other" (Gen. 31:49).
Your body has been broken apart by
betrayed vows and forgotten trust;
broken by blood poured out in abuse,
violence, fear, destruction.
You are broken, O Christ, again and again
by me and those I love. You are broken and
we think to put you back together - like some
sacred Humpty Dumpty - by working out
our guilt with charity.
Jesus Christ, your body is broken
for me and for many. Let your blood pour
out in healing rivers of love - revealing your life
as the ultimate example of bringing back together:
ourselves with ourselves
ourselves with God
ourselves with one another.
Your body is broken, O Christ. But not for nothing.
Image is "One Sacred Community" by Mary Southard, CSJ. Mary says, "This community is part of the larger Earth communion of Life: brother sun, sister moon, the rocks and winds, fire and water and all that lives and grows --- in the heavens, the seas, the soil. The fire rising from the bottom, the burning bush, reminds us that we are on holy ground. ... The image is at the heart of the longing of the Holy One, That All May Be ONE."