October. Early October.
I awoke in the deep dark of lengthening night
to visit with a church member prior to surgery.
Stepping out of my car I thought,
"Oh! Mist".
(Very perceptive; quite expressive - that's me before coffee).
Home again I noticed the mist had just a few white flakes spiraling through its dance ,
and I called Jamie to let her know: "there's snow".
A moment ago, fluffy, spongy blobs began to slush in random death on the sidewalk.
Now I am witness to an official snowfall - the first of the season - less periodic, more persistent in their dive.
Rather than slush on impact, flakes bounce or skitter.
Either way, pedestrians pull into themselves.
All of this to say, I think I'm amazed at the weather change today. Yesterday the sun smiled distant warmth to the depth of my bones; today the sky drapes around me with an earth-bound cloudy blanket.
How do we negotiate such quick change?
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