Friday, October 9, 2009

Sacred Moments

Sophia of RevGalBlogPals invites us into special memories of "rites" this week with her reflection: I will be at my new Independent Catholic church's yearly Synod, being welcomed and conditionally re-consecrated to episcopal ministry for this jurisdiction....[I'm] making last preparations for my preaching, presiding, and teaching during the week. Exciting stuff but also nervous making with less time to prepare than I would prefer and lots of new people to meet--especially because, in accord with the pioneering status of ordained Catholic women, 95% or more will be men and I am not sure how receptive some may be to the Christian feminist theological/liturgical perspective!
This has me thinking of the special rites of passage in our lives which we participate for ourselves or in which we support and bless others: baptism, confirmation, marriage, ordination, graduation, funerals, etc. Such important days, so exciting and joyous, but also sometimes anxiety provoking or deeply painful....So, this week, please share five memories of such sacred moments with God and her holy people from your life and the lives of those you love.
So I begin...

1. The first special rite that called to my memory is my ordination: May 10, 2003. There are 2 points that remain vivid -- seeing Jamie (my partner) standing in the high pulpit of the Congregational Meeting House reading the words of Mary's Magnificat; and the moment after I
kneeled and was blessed with so many hands laid upon me... I stood and felt myself being pulled higher and higher, through the crown of my head, as if I'd be pulled right off my feet into the air (I can't describe it any better - It was awe-some).

2. I know we minister-types are prone to appreciating the beauty and hope found in funerals, but the one that has meant more than I can describe was being asked (as we drove from CT to IA for the funeral) to officiate at Jamie's grandfather's service. The mix of Roman Catholics and United Methodists made me (a UCC clergywoman) an interesting choice to begin - add to the mix that I'd only met him a few times, and (the kicker) I'm his granddaughter's lesbian partner... well, I've never been more honored in my life.

3. Of course, my wedding (of the church, not the state) was a moment of such sacred joy for me. What a gift to make this covenant before my family of faith, my family of origin and my extended families of love and friendship - and their covenant of love and support in return!

4. It seems an odd inclusion on this list, but a very holy passage for me was the day I realized I was not heterosexual: coming out was truly a revelation from God for my life. In that 1 day I told some of the most important people in my life - myself (most important), my parents, the person I felt attraction toward, my best friend, my boy friend (so hurtful - I would change that if I could), and my Christian mentor (from Confirmation through senior high).

5. I feel somewhat trivial in adding this, but it was an incredible mountaintop experience for my life. I got to spend several days on retreat and in workshops with Emily Saliers of the Indigo Girls - hiking up mountains, meditating on
petroglyphs, listening to her talk about the spirituality of her music. Emily is one of my favorite theologian/musician/justice-seekers, and whenever I need grounding or pick-me-ups or peace or anything, I tend to turn toward her lyrics.

I'd just like to note these are in no particular order :).


mid-life rookie said...

All sound wonderful. Death and celebration of life do indeed make for sacred moments. Cool experience with one of the Indigo Girls - I'm jealous.

Jan said...

Your memories are wonderful, especially illustrated by the pictures. My husband's father welcomed his granddaughter's (my daughter's) partner as his "Cincinnati granddaughter." We've loved him more ever since. I've been at a Five Day Academy with Don Saliers, and I think it's so cool that his daughter is one of the Indigo Girls. You are lucky in many ways! (Also, it's nice to "meet" you.)